Sunday, April 4, 2010


Today has been one of those days where I find myself taking a moment to stop and realize all that has happened. So often, like most holidays in our life, the anticipation keeps building right up to the last minute.....and then its gone. In the blink of an eye....its gone. Easter almost took that same path this year. There has been so much going on, construction, scheduling, construction, planning, construction, set-backs, not enough time in the day, not enough days in the week, and let's toss in a little stress......not much, just a little to make it interesting.

Then, on Saturday morning, just when I needed it....I got an email from Brian Duncan (Kannapolis Campus Pastor). His email was a wake-up call to me. I know he sent it to more people than just me, but I know what it meant to me. Without saying a lot in his email, he changed everything for me about the Easter weekend. His email was a warning to me; a warning of Easter possibly being covered up, maybe even missed by so much stuff getting in the way. And believe me, there was beginning to be a lot of stuff on my plate for this Easter weekend.

Was it necessary for me to stress over how the stage looked, how prepared the band would be, how would the songs fit into the service, how many people would show up, how would the worship be?.....No.....but I was stressing just the same. Brian's email destroyed all of that. The one thing I needed to be focused on for Easter was how I was going to worship. Would I be ready to truly worship God for His incredible gift of salvation through His Son? Would I be ready to worship a Savior who was raised from the dead and now lives in me? Would I be ready for Easter, and what it represents in my life?

I would be now.

Thank you Brian.......

1 comment:

MelD said...


What a wonderful point. I see how it applies even to the smaller more day to day events.......such as getting a family with children ready for church Sunday morning! Being so focused on having everything together, everyone dressed right, all with Bibles, every one fed, etc that it can take away from the whole point of going to worship God!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!