Thursday, April 22, 2010


I've always found it interesting how you can look at a simple silhouette and know who it is. Have you seen the ones which have the silhouette of a child on a plate hanging on the wall, or sitting on a stand for visitors to see. The child's name doesn't even have to be on the plate, but you know who it is.

I saw one the other day and it started me thinking about silhouettes I remember from the past. As a parent, all the times you have seen your child from a distance, and the light is behind them, you know them by their silhouette. It doesn't matter what they are doing, you know it is them. I saw a silhouette of my son one morning. He was a long way off. I mean a long way off, but I knew it was him. He was running, like he does everyday, but this day.....I pulled up to the end of our driveway, and as I checked the road for traffic, I saw Joshua running. I couldn't tell which running clothes he was wearing. I don't have eyes like a hawk. I saw the silhouette of a runner coming down the road and......I knew it was Joshua. I recognized his stride as he runs. It was a silhouette, but it was Joshua. It reminded me of when I'd go and watch his cross-country races. No matter how far away he was from me, when I saw his stride....I knew it was him.

What kind of silhouette do we have as followers of Christ? Are we recognizable from a distance? Can we be picked out of a crowd simply by our stance, our walk, our stride? I believe we all need to concentrate on the silhouette we have. We are followers of Christ, children of God. We need to live lives so people know who we are, even when we can't be clearly seen. Our silhouette has been created by the Light of the World, and whether we want to believe it, or not, it is for everyone to see.

We are recognizable. But, what do they see?

1 comment:

MelD said...

You talked about how you recognized your son's silhouette even from a distance. This brought to my mind the connection within a family. The connection a parent has with a child, a child with a parent, siblings with each other, a husband to a wife, and a wife to a husband. Yet, it often seems the people most familiar with our silhouette are the ones that are shown most often our jagged edges.

What you are, who you are, what your silhouette is at home...this will eventually extend outwards until others see that true silhouette. So many people begin focusing on themselves outside of home, and yet it begins at home. With those most familiar with your silhouette.

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts and feelings. It's always refreshing to see someone step when God tells them to.