Wednesday, February 17, 2010


This past weekend, during our worship service at HRCC, I had the pleasure of delivering the message that begins a new series entitled, "Provision". If you were there, you may recall how I spoke about God instructing Elijah to go "there"; that place where God would meet his physical needs; that place where God could give him protection; that place to be alone with God; that place where the presence of God would be.......there.

I am still amazed at how Elijah must have felt when he was told to leave where he felt he was safe, comfortable, and secure. That had to be a very difficult choice to make; not in his original plans for his life; not what he thought God would want him to do; and, it was probably going to be an inconvenience for Elijah.

Do we ever feel like Elijah? We look at our life and we see where we are. Our basic needs are met. We are fed.... clothed.... have a place to stay..... comfortable.... we may be even doing what we think God wants us to be doing. Would we leave where we are if God said His provision was there; a place unfamiliar to us; a place where we might not fit in; a place that may expose us for who we really are; a place where God is our only source for any and every thing we will need; a place where God becomes the most important relationship we will ever have; a place where we feel His embrace each day; where He can comfort the sick, encourage the lonely, bring joy to the hurting, lift up the fallen, restore the marriage, defeat the grasp of addiction, and make us who He created us to be?

If we are not there, then we must still be here.....and according to Elijah....there is where God is...and where we need to be.

See you there.

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