Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Last night, or morning, whichever way you look at it, was very difficult for me. I had to make a decision that would ultimately lead me to a place to hear things I knew I would one day hear, but didn't want to hear.

Life will do things like this to us. We are comfortable with how things are going in our life. It's spring, and everything seems new and growing. After it rains, the air even feels cleaner and fresher. Everything is moving along as we think it should. Then in a few hours....with just a few words said.....it all changes.

We always consider life in the terms of years; whether good or bad, we measure a person's life by years. We celebrate a loved one's birthday each year to commemorate another year of life. We measure a couple's love by their years of marriage. Life seems to revolve around years, and we have grown accustomed to that. The biggest obstacle for a lot of us, myself included, is measuring life in months. Our first response is, "What happened to the years? Don't we have x-amount of years?"

Sitting in the ER this morning, I heard the few words that have shifted my measuring of life in years...to months. Daddy is not well. He s declining in health. The Dr. says there is a mass in his lung. It is terminal. We are looking at.... "months". This was harder to type than to hear.

Why is it we don't think about months? They are more important than years......now. Do you realize there are more days than months in a year? I know....... sounds a little silly..... but, how important are the days you get to spend with those you love......... your family..... your friends...
your Savior.... your God.

1 comment:

MelD said...

Here lately there have been alot of reminders as to how important the days are. Thank you Ronnie for taking the time to share.