Monday, February 8, 2010

elevator door

I was talking to a friend the other day and we got onto the topic of how Christians are to live their lives each day. I know most people understand that as a believer in Jesus Christ, we should be living a life that exemplifies who He is to us. We should live our lives in such a way so others will know that Jesus dwells in us. We are to be His hands and feet here on this earth; at the school we attend; on our job with co-workers; when we are with friends, or family. As a believer in Jesus Christ, our life is to be noticeable. we were discussing what this life should look like, he made a comment that caught me off guard. In our illustrations of how people might perceive their life as an example of Jesus, and all the ways they may think it should look; everything from tithing, to going on a mission trip to a foreign country.....he says that he wants to be the guy who holds the elevator door. The elevator door?!? How is that.......?

Then I saw what he meant. Too often we think a life that shows people we are a follower of Christ has to be something noteworthy, big, attention getting.....noticeable. I'm sure it can be, if our motives are right. But, to see the small gestures of kindness as being Christ-like....

Maybe we need to re-focus a little on what it means to live a life that shows we have Christ living in us. Maybe we've been looking too high on the "impressive" list. Maybe all people really need is for someone to hold the elevator door for them.

1 comment:

MelD said...

Thank you for sharing this thought Ronnie. Having children with health issues, I can't tell you how many times I've gratefully expressed my gratitude to the person who held the elevator door for me as I was breathlessly hauling small children to doctor appointments. Tonight, a pregnant lady held the door for myself and my youngest as we were coming in from the rain.