Thursday, February 4, 2010


Twenty seven years ago I was blessed to see the birth of my son, Joshua....a beautiful baby boy, and amazing young man. I can rewind through my memory and see so many things that make up who Joshua is. Everything he is now, I have watched being developed as the days and years have slipped by.

There have been broken bones, school plays, Little League Baseball, Basketball, Wrestling, Track, Cross-Country, High School Graduation, College, MBA, Law School, and then there were the Church Christmas plays, Baptism, Caswell Youth Camps, Mission Trips. I have seen how all these events have been a part of making Joshua who he is, but more importantly....I have seen how God has shaped Joshua's life through all of this. Most people may not see God working in ordinary events of their life, but that is how these events become extra-ordinary.

Of all the things that I have witnessed in Joshua's life so far, I am most impressed when I hear people tell me what they think about Joshua. They may have been friends with Joshua growing up, or attended school with him, or maybe even competed with him or coached him, but they all have had good things to say about Joshua. And as a of the best things you can hear about a child of not what others say about is how your child's life has impacted theirs.

That's when you know that their life is extra-ordinary........and God did that.

Happy Birthday Joshua. Your Mom and I love you and we thank God everyday for what He is doing in your life.

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