Friday, November 13, 2009

who hasn't heard?

The other night, Karen was working on adding information from the Connection Cards, that we request to be filled out each week. She came across one and had to share it with me. On one side of the card, at the bottom, there is a question that asks "How did you hear about High Rock?" There are all kinds of responses to that question. They range from a friend's invitation, tent cards, t-shirts, some outdoor event, a flyer in the mail, yard signs in the neighborhood, billboards around town, and even an ad/commercial on TV. It is always fun to read about the ways that someone has heard about HRCC and it has encouraged them to come and see what God is doing in His church.

This card that Karen was sharing with me had a response that will have to be labeled from here on out as a classic. "How did you hear about High Rock?"

Response: "Who hasn't heard about High Rock?"

Two things I see in this response. (1) The folks that attend HRCC are not shy about telling people that they meet, where they worship. (2) People in Rowan, Cabarrus, and Davidson County have seen what God has been doing through HRCC.

When God truly has placed His hand on His people, His church, it is no longer a is contagious.


Karen said...

Love it!

MelD said...

What a great response! And so incredibly true. How can you not be a part of something that is so invigorating, so inspiring, so life changing and not want to share it with everyone you meet?

That said, I had someone tell me Sunday they'd like one in their area. They live in Harrisburg!