Monday, October 26, 2009

colorful sounds

I traveled to Asheville this morning with Karen and Joshua to see Kristen and Marshall. It has been a while since we have made this trip, and it had been a while since we had seen Kristen and Marshall. Monday, being a day-off, seemed like the best time to go. So, we come.

The leaves are still beautiful heading up I-40, and Joshua and Karen are having a contest to see who can get the best photo of the colors. I'm sure some of them will end up on Facebook pretty soon. After picking up Kristen, we drove on the Blue Ridge Parkway for a few hours and stopped at the over-looks for more pictures and to just look out across this massive landscape of colors. Wow, God, this is impressive!! There were quite a few people up on the Parkway doing the same "leaf-gazing" as we were, but at one point, we were the only people at an over-look. It was so quiet. No car engines running. No people talking. No dogs barking. Just silence.....and a huge, colorful masterpiece that stretched out forever.

I once studied about an artist named Kandinsky, and how he used colors to represent sounds in his paintings. Reds were like harsh, shrill sounds.....yellow was like a loud blast of sound....blues were a soothing sound. When you would look at his paintings, you would get a sense of music playing to help you appreciate his work. When I sat on the railing and looked out at this amazing piece of artistic the silence....I was listening to the most incredible orchestra playing the most amazing symphony ever composed.

How can you not know that there is a God? Even the trees sing out with all the colorful sounds that are reserved for the ears of God. If we would just take the time to enjoy this song we call "Autumn"....

Shouldn't we be making music and singing to Him as well?

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