Thursday, November 26, 2009

think and thank

Today is Thanksgiving Day and I am sitting here going through everything that I am thankful for. Well, actually, I am trying not to fall asleep. That always happens after an amazing meal and a quiet house. A lot of people have been sharing with me what they are thankful for all week long; from the Thanksgiving Service at HRCC Sunday night to posts on Facebook. This is the time of year for thinking and thanking. And now, on this quiet afternoon, its time to think and thank.

First off, I am thankful for a God who gave His Son for me so that I could become one of His children. He has blessed me with Karen, a loving wife that is my biggest supporter and encourager. Her love is truly a blessing from God. I am also thankful for my family; Joshua, Kristen, and Marshall; my Mom and Dad; my brothers and sisters, and their spouses and children.

I am also thankful for the people of High Rock Community Church. They have made my journey of following God's call on my life exciting through all of their love and support. I am thankful for the staff of HRCC, the team that I work with that I now consider an addition to my family. And, to my brothers and sisters that lead worship each weekend with me, I am so thankful for the chance to worship with you all. Thanks to all of you for your prayers, support, love, and friendship.

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