Wednesday, May 27, 2009

acceptable worship

I was in a conversation the other day that was centered around worship; go figure. Anyway, the discussion headed more toward what we thought was the most important element to worship. What makes our worship acceptable to God? Do we need the right songs for worship? the cleanest sound? the newest technology? a deeper understanding of what worship really is? dedicated musicians and singers? coffee? diet Dew?

I just finished reading a book by Louie Giglio, "The Air I Breathe", for a second time. And, in this book he writes that there is one thing that we need to make our worship acceptable; just this one thing, this one element that defines worship. It turns out that it could be simple to grasp, but very difficult to apply. It's not pretty, yet it's necessary. Without it, there is no worship. Without it, there is no audience with God. Without it, we can't even approach God. Without it, He doesn't know us. We can't play it, or sing it.

We can embrace it; bow down in it's shadow; remember the love shown there; the sacrifice that was made so that our worship would be acceptable to God. Without the cross, there is no worship. Without the cross, there is no audience with God. Of all the things that we think that we need to do, or have to have to be able to worship God; the one and only thing that makes our worship acceptable to Him............He already provided. Have we missed it? Did we cover it up with everything else that we think that we need? Did we misplace it? Or, did we just forget about it today........yesterday........last week? When was the last time that we thought about the Cross of Christ? Was it while we were worshiping?

Should've been.

It's all we need.


Dana Duggins said...

Thanks Ronnie!

shane murthwaite said...

this is great ronnie thanks

Unknown said...

Thank you Ronnie, yes and we do need to be reminded and me ever to often! God uses you and thank you for allowing that to happen.