Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Last week I went to Niagara Falls with Karen. We went to the Canadian side. Okay, there were 22 other people with us on this trip. But still.....to me, it was a trip to Niagara Falls with Karen.

I had heard people talk about going to Niagara Falls, and I had seen countless pictures, but I was overwhelmed by the shear power of seeing the Falls and listening to the majestic roar. This was incredible! Karen and I would just stand there and look at the Falls. Of course, we took pictures and videotaped the whole thing, but just to stand there and look and listen...we never tired of doing that. We spent a lot of time at the Falls. We went down an elevator and walked out on a platform at the base of the Falls. The sound was deafening and exciting. We even went down through some tunnels to get in behind the falls. You could get within feet of the rushing wall of water. As crazy as it may sound, we got on a boat (The Maid of the Mist) and rode it right up to the Falls. You couldn't hear the sound of the boat's engines.....just the roar of the Falls. The force of the water crashing down from about 200 feet made for a very bumpy ride. And yes, we were soaked. This was an amazing adventure. Would I go back? Oh, yes.

I happened to be thinking about that trip this evening and I was remembering how awestruck I was at the sight and sound of the Falls, and I couldn't help but wonder if I would react the same way in God's presence. Would I make an extra effort to get even closer to Him? Would I find a way to try and reach out to feel Him? Would the force and power of His majesty keep me back, or would I surge through the turbulent waters to get as close as I could, to be soaked by His love for me?

Everyday, we are given another opportunity to draw closer to God; another chance to reach out and take hold of His hand as He guides us through life; another chance to know His love when everything is crashing down around us. Do we just look at pictures, or listen to others talk about God? Or, do we make the effort to get to where we can feel His majesty and be soaked by His love for us?


Dana Duggins said...

That is something good to think about! Thanks Ronnie :-)

Unknown said...

WOW, thank you Ronnie. The thought of being soaked in his love, we truly need to get closer, listen, touch, watch. Oh My Goodness how awesome!