Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"just" worship

“I just want to worship…..that’s all”

I heard that in a conversation recently. At first I thought, this person must really want to spend time in worship. But, when I wrote these words on paper......this type of worship seems so limited. How is it possible to be called a follower of Christ and "just" do anything? When I hear someone say that they "just" want to do this, or that; what I hear is that they don't want to do anything else. Is their life so busy that they can't experience the fullness of what God has to offer? He is not limited to "just" one area of our lives. He is all encompassing. He is in every part of our lives. When a person says that they only want to do "just"; they limit their relationship with God and they limit their involvement in church. There is so much to knowing who God is, and there is so much to discovering what He wants to accomplish in our lives, that the word.."just"..doesn't fit.

In Luke, Chapter 10, we read about Jesus visiting with Martha and Mary, and how Martha was rushing around the house doing this and that while Mary was at the feet of Jesus. Martha complained about Mary's choice, but Jesus said that Mary had made the right choice, and it wouldn't be taken away from her. Mary did make the "right" choice, but she didn't "just" sit at Jesus' feet. She listened to Jesus speak, and He had her undivided attention. She would have done anything He asked of her. I believe that when a person only wants to do "just" what they want to do, then their attention is divided among a lot of other things that make them more like Martha. I'm afraid that they may "just" miss out.

If we "just" want to worship, then we will miss out on all that God has planned for us. Worship is all about knowing who God is and what He has done, but knowing who God is and what He has done in our lives is not limited to "just" worship.

Worship is the start.

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