Friday, October 23, 2009

beach in October

I like to go to the beach. I'm partial to visiting the beach in the summer though; when it's good and hot with lots of chances to play in the ocean and body surf. But, this week.....I am at the beach, and it has been great. It's not crowded. I got sunburned a little on the first day. I did some fishing for the first time. Actually, I was supposed to be watching the lines, but there was a bite and I was the only one at the rod. Go figure. I got to play a round of golf with some fun people. Golf is so much better when you can laugh while you play. (Oh, I won. Best round I have shot in a long, long time) I have gotten a chance to run a few miles with Karen. I've walked the beach, looking for shark teeth and have been surprised by some sneaky waves that just jump up and get you wet....with no warning. I've been swimming in the pool and laid out in the sun. Is this really October? I have sat in a rocking chair and watched the stars at night, looking for meteors, and listening to the waves crashing.

Tonight, I get the honor of rehearsing a wedding ceremony for the daughter of some dear friends, and tomorrow I test my sea-legs as I perform the wedding ceremony on a boat. They say that it will be just a "three hour tour.....a three hour tour." Of all the great things that have been a part of this trip to the beach.....I'd have to say that I am enjoying spending time with Karen, along with some amazing friends, listening to the ocean at night, and flat out enjoying life.

Isn't that why God created all of this for us anyway?

Our loved ones, our family, our friends....all given to us by God to enjoy here, surrounded by His creation, and His remind us all of how much He loves us.

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