Thursday, November 29, 2007

The dreaded sermon...

I really enjoy every opportunity that I get to speak to the people at HRCC; whether on a Saturday Night, or Sunday Morning. It is a spiritual high in the sense that for me to speak I need to do some preparation; I have to study. In the studying of scripture, commentaries, and the text of other noted speakers, I get excited about what God has laid on my heart to share. But, there has always been in the back of my mind "that" sermon topic. You know the one....the dreaded sermon......tithing. I have heard other preachers give that sermon, and then I have heard all the comments from everyone that did not appreciate what the pastor talked about, and the same old....."all the church ever talks about is money". That rings over and over in your head as a young believer, and it resurfaces in your mind when you are asked, as I was, to do Part I of a 2-part series on giving; the week-end after Thanksgiving; while the Senior Pastor and the Associate Pastor are away; and with possible first-time guest because of the Thanksgiving week-end. Do you feel my fear now? And, on top of all that, it is decided to have the ushers take up the offering before the message. I am not feeling well at all. And then, just before the Saturday Night service, I retreat to my office; look at my notes one more time and realize......I am out of my league......."God please, You will have to do this. I give this to you." And He took it.........all of it. I had planned a cool illustration with a $100. I planted it so that when I asked for it I would receive it back. I was all set and ready, then God reminded me that I had given Him the message and I guess He thought that meant the illustration too. So, I find out that He had planted a $100 somewhere else; and not just one. I found out after one service that a gentleman found $100 in his wallet that he didn't know was there. I was approached by a lady after one service that wanted to thank me for the message; she needed to hear it "today". I was told by one friend that they just couldn't believe that that was me sharing with them this week-end. And, to be totally honest, it wasn't me. It was God's message. He used me; He used unsuspecting people in the church; He used the music; He used the video; He used it all. Like I said earlier; I gave the message to Him, and He took it all.......Hmmm.......sounds like tithing.

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