Thursday, December 27, 2007

Over Already?

"It seems as though I just woke up and Christmas is over." "It's like we start getting ready for Christmas, and before we know it, it's passed by us." I'm sure you have probably heard these comments before. You may have even said them yourself. I can think back to when I would say the very same things. When I was in school, I longed for Christmas Break. I would make plans to just enjoy all the time that I would have to play with my friends; exchange gifts; break-in the new bike; go hunting with my new BB gun; race slot-cars well into the night. And, all that time seemed to disappear quickly; too quickly, and it's back to school. I've had the same feeling when I would be looking forward to time off from UPS after the Christmas season of delivering. I would save up a few extra days during the year just so I could "rest", and enjoy Christmas with Karen and our children. But, there again, time just slips by, and it's back to work. Why is that? Do we really think that having to go back to school, or work, ends our Christmas? No; it doesn't. Forgetting about Christmas ends our Christmas. When we start thinking about work, school, chores, shopping, returns, bills; we end Christmas. And, as much fun as I have had this Christmas, I don't want to end it. I want to keep reminding myself of all that the Lord has done for me, my family, my friends, and High Rock Community Church. God has truly blessed us this year, even when the enemy thought that he could stop us. God has smiled on HRCC in a mighty way this year. He has given us a gift that we will not want to return, or exchange. He has given us a joy that brings a smile to our faces each time that we think about it. He has given us a Christmas that will be a part of our memories for a long time. He has given to us......and it's not over.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Do we still feel his hug?

The room is so noisy. It is hard to hear yourself think. People are sitting together in groups; families, friends, loved ones; and they are all talking. They are not trying to be loud, but the excitement, coupled with the number of people there, seems to gradually increase the decibel level; and before you know it, it is loud. It is a good loud though. I enjoy looking around and seeing the smiles and the tears, hearing the laughter and some of the conversations, mostly inaudible. Soon I will get to participate in all the noise. Soon I will get to carry on a conversation. I will get the chance to laugh, to smile, and be loud. I can't wait to raise the decibel level a little more. But for now, I just sit and wait......He'll be here in a minute........There he is.......The thoughts and emotions that are racing through my mind..........what do I say?.......what will he say?........can I still make him smile?'s been so long...........don't cry.............too late. I have missed this man. It is so good to see him walking toward me. I finally get my chance to hug him. And it is not a pat-pat-pat hug. I hugged Ray as a brother would hug a brother. I held on to's been a while.........don't cry. Time for smiles and laughter. Time to increase the decibel level. A strange thing happened though. I didn't hear any other conversations. I could see all the people around the room, but I didn't hear them anymore. I heard who I came to hear; and I listened. I listened to all he had to say. I didn't want this time to end. Everything just moved so fast, and then we were headed home. And as I drove home, I could still hear him; I could still see him; I could still feel the hug. When we show up for a service at High Rock, do we increase the decibel level by our participation? we laugh, smile, cry, and hug? When we carry on our conversation with the Lord, do we listen?.........have we heard who we came to hear? When we leave and head home, do we still hear Him? we still feel His hug? I do.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

The dreaded sermon...

I really enjoy every opportunity that I get to speak to the people at HRCC; whether on a Saturday Night, or Sunday Morning. It is a spiritual high in the sense that for me to speak I need to do some preparation; I have to study. In the studying of scripture, commentaries, and the text of other noted speakers, I get excited about what God has laid on my heart to share. But, there has always been in the back of my mind "that" sermon topic. You know the one....the dreaded sermon......tithing. I have heard other preachers give that sermon, and then I have heard all the comments from everyone that did not appreciate what the pastor talked about, and the same old....."all the church ever talks about is money". That rings over and over in your head as a young believer, and it resurfaces in your mind when you are asked, as I was, to do Part I of a 2-part series on giving; the week-end after Thanksgiving; while the Senior Pastor and the Associate Pastor are away; and with possible first-time guest because of the Thanksgiving week-end. Do you feel my fear now? And, on top of all that, it is decided to have the ushers take up the offering before the message. I am not feeling well at all. And then, just before the Saturday Night service, I retreat to my office; look at my notes one more time and realize......I am out of my league......."God please, You will have to do this. I give this to you." And He took it.........all of it. I had planned a cool illustration with a $100. I planted it so that when I asked for it I would receive it back. I was all set and ready, then God reminded me that I had given Him the message and I guess He thought that meant the illustration too. So, I find out that He had planted a $100 somewhere else; and not just one. I found out after one service that a gentleman found $100 in his wallet that he didn't know was there. I was approached by a lady after one service that wanted to thank me for the message; she needed to hear it "today". I was told by one friend that they just couldn't believe that that was me sharing with them this week-end. And, to be totally honest, it wasn't me. It was God's message. He used me; He used unsuspecting people in the church; He used the music; He used the video; He used it all. Like I said earlier; I gave the message to Him, and He took it all.......Hmmm.......sounds like tithing.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

See ya' Jake

I have been on staff here at HRCC, full-time, for 7 months; starting back on April 1st of this year. I have experienced a lot of moments that have been, shall we say, educational in my Christian walk as a Pastor. There have been moments in leading worship with the church body that can only be described as "Holy". There have been days filled with joy and laughter that I still see and hear in my mind to this day. There have been tears that have drawn me closer to the church family than I thought possible. I have seen answered prayer; I have witnessed love and compassion; I have made new friends; I have seen God working in the life of HRCC; I have been amazed and blessed. And then there are "those" moments; the ones that I grew up watching "preachers" do......weddings, baptisms, funerals; those anxious moments of what do I say to the family of someone whose dying. Tuesday I received "that" call. A dear friend, Rev. J. C. "Jake" Huneycutt, Jr. was dying. Jake was the Pastor that performed mine and Karen's wedding; he baptised my children; he encouraged me to be a Deacon, a Sunday School teacher, a Youth Leader, a Baptistmen's Leader; he was a "quiet" mentor to me. He was a man of God; a servant of the Lord; a visionary; a prayer warrior; my family's Pastor; a friend......and he was dying. I hugged his wife Bobbie, his daughter Lynne, and his grand-son Jacob (named after his grandfather).....and I stood there by his bed; this "quiet" force in my life lay there dying and I'm thinking...."What do I say?"...."What would he say?"......he'd pray. So, I prayed. I couldn't say good-bye.....but I did say "See ya' Jake". And because of this man, a lot of people will. Tuesday evening Jake went home. I believe with all my heart, that this quiet man heard the loudest "Well done" ever. I will miss you. See ya' Jake.

Monday, October 1, 2007

...and everything stopped.

Sometimes I get just blown away by the actions of people, especially in the everyday events of life. For instance; this past Saturday, Karen and I went to Greensboro to attend a Centennial Event at the UPS facility there. I was a package car driver for UPS for a little over 28 years before being called by God, and High Rock Church, to be a Worship Pastor. (Thanks again) UPS is celebrating 100 years as "The" package delivery business. And, as a retiree, I thought it would be fun to go and check out all the festivities. Maybe I would see some of the guys that I used to work with. And, I did. Not as many as I had hoped to see, but I did see a few. That was fun. There was food; a tour of the Greensboro Hub (big deal); an original 1920's Package Car (cool); the UPS Race Car; a kids tent with all sorts of activities; a Tour Trailer to show the 100 year history, and visions for the future; games; and people. And it was these people's actions that, as I said, just blew me away. Karen and I were walking around the whole area and taking in all that is going on. We were listening to "higher ups" make welcoming speeches and so on. Then a lady started singing the National Anthem, and everything stopped. Nobody moved. People inside exhibits came out and listened. Parents and their children at the kids tent stopped playing and coloring. The game of "Race the Truck" came to a stop. People heading toward the Hub on a tour stopped, turned toward the song, and stood still. For just a moment, everyone was listening. A song had stopped all the activities and had gotten everyone's attention. The National Anthem still stirs the heart of Americans and fans the flame of patriotism. I'm sorry; it is not the singer, but the song that stirs us. Here at High Rock, we have a song that stirs us; a song that causes us all to stop what we're doing; a song that draws us away from the "past", and the "everyday" and causes us to listen, here and now; a song that encourages us, and lifts us up; a song that heals us when we hurt, comforts us when we feel alone, and reminds us that God has been, and still is in control. Our song has a's GOD's Song. I'm sorry, but it's not Ray's song, or Ronnie's song, or Jon's song, or Kelly's song, or (your name here)'s song. It is GOD's song, and at the start of this song, "every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess, that 'Jesus Christ is Lord'". That is the song that should stir our hearts. Let's sing that one together.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Singing a prayer

This past week-end Ray spoke to the church about Jonah and his attempt to run from God. We heard about the "Word from the Lord" that Jonah wasn't ready to hear. His attempt to run away was met with a short swim in the sea that was interrupted by becoming bait for a "big fish". Jonah is now in the belly of this fish for three days and nights. Ray told us how when Jonah realized his mistake, and was at his lowest point in life ( bottom of the sea ), he called out to God in prayer and God heard him. I know that Ray mentioned the prayer of Jonah, and he even highlighted a line within the prayer, but I wondered if anyone took time to read the complete prayer.

As I read through the prayer, I come across terms that Jonah spoke that sounded familiar to me; like, maybe I have read something like this before; not the whole prayer, but definitely parts of it. Do you ever sense that when you are reading in the bible? When it does happen to me, I start to try and find out where I have read this before. It didn't take long, and having references in my bible really helped me. Did you know that the prayer of Jonah is made up, almost entirely, from passages in the Psalms? Nearly every line is from a Psalm. Really!? That excited me; to know that here was a man; a prophet of God; in the belly of a big fish; near death; and he recites a personal psalm to God. Better yet, he sings a song to his God who hears from His "holy temple". Jonah is singing. At the lowest point of his journey, he sings and God listened and heard and responded.

To some people, we are about to be swallowed up by a big fish. I can feel it closing in on me. This big fish has a name; "questions". What's next? What will we do? What about...? They go on forever. I really don't want to spend any time in the belly of this fish. So, I have decided to sing; every Saturday night; every Sunday morning; everyday. And, I know that my God will listen to this song; He will hear; He will respond, and He will deliver us. Our song is His psalm, and His psalm is our song. This week-end we will sing, and our God will hear.

Thursday, September 6, 2007


The other morning I was sitting quietly in my office at church. Quietly describes the area that surrounded me. But, inside my head is this constant whirlwind of thoughts of "What can I get done today?", "What needs my attention?", "Which songs?", etc. The questions go on and on. And in the midst of all the quiet, and the questions, I am trying to read my Bible; hoping to find answers; hoping for some direction, and I know they're there. I am reading in the Psalms this morning; no particular order. Just selecting one and reading it; then to another one. I will sometimes read a few of them from all over the book to setttle my thoughts, and then stay on one for a while to see what is being said to "me". Today it is Psalm 100. It is short (only 5 verses), but it has spoke to me for 4 days now. I keep going back to it; over and over. And, in 5 short verses, I am taught how to worship God. I have spent time writing out some of my thoughts on each verse and as I get to the end of the third verse I read, "we are his people, the sheep of his pasture". The part about "sheep" just speaks volumes to me. To be considered sheep, we must have a master, or in this case; a Master. We are to be His sheep. Let Him lead us where He knows the way. Be willing to listen to everything that He may say to us in an effort to make you, and me, the worshippers He has called us to be. Sheep know only the voice of their master. Anyone else could call out to them to try and lead them off to some other pasture, but unless it was the recognized voice of their master; the one being that spent all his time with them; that knew them as his own…they would not respond. That is why sheep is used in the passage. We are to respond only to the guiding voice of our Master. The One who has made us; the One that we belong to, we are His. When you think about it; I mean, really think about it......our Master has lead us to some amazing and wonderful pastures. I know there have been wolves out there on our journey from one pasture to the next, but our Master has safely lead us to where He wants us to be. And, being in His safe embrace encourages me to worship Him. So, whether I am surrounded by quiet, or bombarded by question after question in my mind; I will worship Him.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

In season and out

Have you ever read that passage in II Timothy 4:2; "Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke, and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction."? I have always been intrigued by the part that says "in season and out of season", and have tried to imagine what those seasons might look like. And, listening to Ron Magnusen this past Sunday reminded me of one of those "in season" moments. It was the July 4th celebration in Faith just 2 months ago. Karen and I were enjoying the parade in town, as we have for several years; you know, waving at all the Beauty Queens, Commanders, Council People, Firemen, float riders, and of course, catching candy. I am focused completely on the activities taking place in the parade. I mean, it is kind of embarrassing to get hit in the head with candy, or this year; bead necklaces. So, as I said, I am focused on the parade, and the people around me as we share the candy. Then, I am tapped on the shoulder, and as I turn to see who it might be; all I see is my reflection in the lens of a television camera, a microphone aimed at me, followed by questions about the 4th of July Parade, and why so many people come to such a small town like Faith year after year. And, to this reporter's surprise, I answered all of his questions and continued to enjoy the parade. You see, like I said, I was focused on the parade. I was "in season" for any questions about the parade. When it comes to being a "christian", are we "in season"? Are we "in season" when the phone rings during our favorite TV show; when we have to wait in line at any store; when someone questions us; when we are wrongly accused? I believe that if we are completely focused on Christ; and not just on Saturday night, or Sunday morning; we will be "in season" when someone asks us anything about our beliefs, our joy, our worship, and our love for Christ. I believe we will be "in season" when they least expect it.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Do you remember your baptism?

This past week-end at HRCC was one of those "I can't believe what God just did" week-ends. If you were at the riverside baptisms Sunday afternoon, you know what I am talking about. INCREDIBLE!! 40+ new believers baptised. 40+ new believers welcomed publicly into the Body of Christ ( known affectionately as High Rock Community Church ) with hugs, tears,and cheers. Whole families were baptised together; fathers and mothers baptised their children; a Small Group joined in the baptism of 1 new believer; 3 people accepted Christ and were baptised on the spot. Did I say "INCREDIBLE"?
As I was standing out in God's water waiting for the candidates to be baptised, I started going back in my mind to my own baptism years ago. I can still see the Baptistry; the painting on the wall; the steps and handrail; the oversized robe that I wore; the Pastor, Rev. Pope, waiting for me; the nerves; my parents; and the water. I wish I could remember every word he said, but it was a long time ago. What I do remember is that as he lowered me into the water, all the nervousness, anxieties, and all the things surrounding me at that time were gone. Under the water; completely covered..........peace and quiet. Then came the hugs, tears, and cheers.
Sunday afternoon I stood again in the water. But, this time AS a Pastor. I stood and waited, not in front of a painting of God's earth, but surrounded by God's earth. I felt the hugs; I saw the tears; I heard the cheers of encouragement. But, what I remember was......... helping each person experience the peace and quiet.......the covering of God's love, in the water. May you never forget.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

"Because I love you"

Have you ever been so surprised by a gift from someone, that you really couldn't believe that it was for you? I'm not talking about a gift for your birthday, anniversary, graduation, or Christmas; I'm talking about the gift that you receive unexpectantly......the gift that catches you off-guard; a total surprise......a gift that you feel you don't deserve, or should even except. Well, I have recently been presented one of those gifts. And, I can honestly say that was completely surprised. I found myself saying, " I can't accept that.", " That's really nice of you, but", and "Are you sure you want me to have that?". Finally, after listening to all the reasons for this gift being offered to me......"You have encouraged and inspired me", "I believe that God is using you and there are more things that He will do through you", and "I wanted you to have this". Then the most amazing reason for the gift was expressed, and there was no way to say "no". My dear friend said....."I am giving this as a gift to you 'because I love you'." When someone offers us a gift out of love, it no longer seems unbelievable. It becomes real. So real you can touch it, hug it, and enjoy it. I'm not talking about the gift......I'm talking about love. A love that is real. Not the kind we hear about, or read about, but a love that we can actually see and feel. Do you know that love?.... I'm sure you do......It's the love of God that is offered to us everyday, whether we deserve it or not (and we don't). It's the love of His Son dying on the cross for us. That same love that we find so hard to accept. It is offered to us everyday, and the amazing reason why is......."because I love you." God, thank you for Your gift of love.

P.S. To my dear friend.......thank you for your gift of love.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Does worship connect us to God?

Does worship connect us to God? Sounds like a no-brainer, right? I have to admit that if I were asked that same question a few years ago, I would jump at the chance to blurt out, "Yes". But, over the the past few years, and after hearing that question asked in several different ways by a lot of leaders, pastors, and worship leaders, I now lean more toward the answer of, "Well, kind of". I have come to the conclusion that worship, true worship, doesn't really connect us to God as much as we would like to think it does. In reality, not until we are connected to God, can worship begin.
I see it working like this; we sit down and open our Bibles to spend time with God. Now this is not a time-limited encounter with the Word. This is time that we set aside for God to reveal to us what He wrote for us to read. After careful study (reading and listening), we begin to want to know more. We begin to get hungry. We become desperate for more. There must be more. And, there is. We not only read the words there in the Bible, but we go back over the same words and listen to them this time. They speak to us. They inspire us. They encourage, comfort, direct, calm, excite, and engage us in a conversation with God; prayer. We are now connected to God. We find ourselves talking to Him, asking Him questions, laughing with Him, crying with Him by our side, reaching for Him to hold us, and blessing His name. Sound familiar? We connect with God, and we enter into a worship of Him so real that we can't wait to get to a place where we can share that same worship with other believers. So, when you show up at a service this week-end, don't plan on just listening to the Praise Team play and sing the Worship songs to you; share your worship with us. It is what we all need to hear, and what our Heavenly Father longs to hear.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

When the music fades

One of my all-time favorite songs, "The Heart Of Worship", written by Matt Redman, starts with the line...."When the music fades..". To think about it lightly, that sounds like a contradiction. I mean, this is a worship song, right? And a song is composed of music, right? If it fades....what happens then?.........Most of us would probably look for another song where the music doesn't fade. And the reason we might do that, is because we have this idea that we need the music so that we can worship God. The sad part of this process is, we have it backwards. We don't need the music to worship God, we just need to worship God. Our worship of God will generate a song in our hearts. Therein lies "The Heart Of Worship".