Thursday, August 20, 2009

32 years of dating

My gosh! It seems as though it was just yesterday that I was washing the old Mustang and getting it all polished up for my first date. And as the hour drew closer....the nerves began to take over. This would be my first date with Karen. Everything was gonna have to be just right. I have to be the door for her......compliment for the meal......and take her safely home. That doesn't sound too nerve racking does it? Oh yeah, this is a blind date.

Of course it was a blind date that changed my life forever. King of Pizza in Kannapolis became like a shrine to me. I can still see the inside of that place, and the booth that Karen and I shared with my brother and his date. Can't tell you what kind of pizza we had, but I can tell you that I sat beside of Karen. I don't know what it was, but I would try and remember everything, and every time we were together. The first movie we saw together was "Rocky"; the first Christmas we exchanged gifts (I still have the chair she gave me); my birthday gift to her (an engagement ring). Our lives have been filled with lots of "firsts"..... first kiss, first home, first child, and the list goes on and on. But, more importantly.....our lives together have been filled with dates. 32 years of dating.

One of the greatest pieces of advice that Karen and I received in pre-marriage counseling, was to continue dating. Of all the things that I have learned in 30 years of marriage, taking Karen on a date still makes my heart race just like it did 32 years ago today.

Karen.........I love you........wanna go get a pizza tonight?


Karen said...

Looking forward to 32 more years of dates. Love you.

shane murthwaite said...

this great you guys are sucha great couple