Monday, October 20, 2008

heaven's song

This "Fireproof" series that we have just finished up, has been amazing. God has had His hand on these four weeks from the beginning. The opening night of the movie; the church purhasing tickets for Firefighters and their wives to attend; the excitement of getting the stage put together; the props from local Fire Departments and friends; the messages that have challenged us all with a "love dare"; the stories from couples about how God has, or is moving in their lives. It has been like this constant increase in energy and anticipation each week to see what will happen next. And, to be honest with you, my anticipation was a limited one. Don't take that in the wrong way; I truly believed that God would do some amazing things here at HRCC with this series, but I was not prepared for how He would end this series.

Jon and I had talked about doing the song, "Love Is Not A Fight" by Warren Barfield, at the end of his message for this past weekend. It was planned as the "love dare" for couples to take this time to come forward and pray for each other.........out loud. I was very nervous. I knew Jon could sing the song; he has a great voice, but for me to play the song........on guitar........alone. That's called.....nervous. So, several times during the week I practiced. And I practiced. And I practiced. And every time I finished the song, I would want to play just a little longer........not the song, but just two chords over and over. I don't know why.......they just sounded good together; A and D2. Back and forth between the two chords; but only after the last time that I practiced the song. I don't know why. I would sit and play these two chords and drift away in my mind......close my eyes and just listen to the sound that these chords would make together. It was very comforting and restful.

Then, at the end of the last service on Sunday; Jon and I, along with Mike Reavis, play the song and couples come to the front of the stage, and they pray for each other........out loud. And as we finish the song......there is still praying going on; and I find myself playing A and D2.......and this amazing song happens; a song of music and prayers. If you were there, you heard it. You couldn't help but hear it........and feel it. It was heaven's song......prayers and tears and and hurt and and peace and and peace ........ love......... God's love......... heaven's song. The most beautiful song I have ever heard.

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