Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I received a phone call today from a dear friend that I haven't seen in a few years; Fred Weber. I was on a search committee once, looking for a Minister of Music and Fred's resume caught our attention. I can't remember why his stood out over the rest, but it just did. What concerned us the most about calling him for an interview, was that he and his family lived in Texas. And, after a few conversations on the phone, I got the chance to meet him and his family face to face......and there was just something about him. Obviously, his love of music; but I think it was more his desire to bring out the gift of music from within everyone who had a part in the music ministry; from the children's choirs, all the way to the Adult Choir. He didn't just want singers and musicians in the choirs; Fred was always looking for ways to let individuals discover a gift that God had given them, and then would allow them to use that gift in the church. I was one of those individuals. I sang in the choir. I rehearsed each week. Fred would challenge me with a small solo part, once in a while. He gave me a chance to play my guitar and lead the music for the early service. Fred was excited when he discovered that I had been playing with a few musicians in the church, and that we had played at some area church events. He gave us an opportunity to play in a service........more than once.
I have always enjoyed playing music in a band of some sort. I enjoy playing Christian music live. When Fred let that combination come together in a church setting; a spark started to become a flame. It was like......for the first time.....I was being used by God to be a part of something bigger than me. Bigger than a choir robe. Bigger than special music for the offering time. Bigger than a solo. Almost too big to grasp, but worth the trying. Excitement grew inside me, and the flame became a call; a call to search out God and to reach out to grasp His hand, and lead me to where I am suppose to be...........leading worship. And what I have come to realize, is that, what I thought was a burning flame; is just another spark......a bigger spark than before, but still a spark. A new spark. And every week, the singers and musicians, that join me to lead High Rock in worship, fan that spark and it is getting bigger. I remember the first spark 4 years ago here at HRCC, and I have seen the flames of worship get bigger and bigger. But, I haven't forgotten the spark that Fred helped me to discover years before that. And I have been blessed ever since. Thanks Fred.

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