I have been enjoying a little break this summer; a little break from school. I have been taking some seminary classes for over a year and accidentally was presented the possibility to take an 8-week break from school, and I took it. Besides the obvious perks of not being in class; time with family, rest, vacation, and some lazy nights lying on the couch....I got the chance to read some books for pleasure. Right now I am in the middle of a book written by a worship pastor from New Life Church in Colorado; Glenn Packiam. I met him a year ago at a worship conference and enjoyed listening to him talk about worship in everyday life.
His book is entitled, "Second hand Jesus". Yes....I thought it was a catchy title as well. Just out of curiosity, I wanted to know what it would be about. The whole idea of using the term "second hand" when referring to Jesus doesn't even sound right. We, as believers, are taught and encouraged to make Jesus first and foremost in our lives, and here is a book teasing us with a title which could cause people to think of Jesus as a "hand-me-down". Honestly, I was taken back when I read the basis for the book was simply that; people have based their whole understanding and knowledge of Jesus, who He is and what He has done for them, from "hand-me-down" information, or a second hand account.
I know we are challenged, as believers, to share what Jesus means to us and what He has done for us each day when we relate to people. This is not second hand. This is us sharing first hand the gospel of Jesus with our lives. The second hand Jesus is found in the lives of people who say they know "about" Jesus. They have heard about Him. They attend church because they feel like it is the right thing to do. They see Jesus as a type of good-luck charm to call on when things get a little difficult, or after they have exhausted all of their possible solutions. This second hand Jesus is who they go to, look for, and call on after everything else hasn't worked out for them.
I know......this sounds like a ridiculous question to ask, but I'm afraid it could be even harder for some people to answer. Is your relationship with Jesus a one-on-one, personal, first hand experience of His love and grace, or....is everything you think you know about Jesus based on second hand information? Here's a hint....if the only time you think about Jesus is when someone else speaks about Him....you have a second hand Jesus.