Monday, December 21, 2009


This past Saturday the Praise Team was rehearsing for our Christmas Service on Sunday at East Rowan High School. As we were going through a sound-check of the songs for the service, the spotlights for the stage came on. Talk about bright. Over the years, I have grown accustomed to them, and they don't seem to bother me that much. But, it is fun to listen to the response of others on the stage. The most common response being, "How can you see anything?" I know that people can feel that spotlights shining in their eyes can be distracting and make it hard to see people. And, at first, I probably felt the same way. But, I don't think that way any more.

The whole purpose of a spotlight is to make those of us on the stage easier to see. I know that sounds pretty obvious, but sometimes we need to be reminded that as worship leaders....we need to be seen as worship leaders. Spotlights have become a tool to help me focus more on worshipping and to remind me that I am being viewed as a worshipper. When that spotlight comes on, I have to ask I a worshipper? Am I ready to lead? Am I ready for the responsibility of leading? Am I worshipping?

This is the Christmas season and worshipping God should be a top priority in our lives. It's all around us..... from stores to TV movies to sales papers..... Christmas is everywhere.... or is it? Have we become so distracted by the rushing around to get everything while it is on sale, or trying to fill every wakened hour cooking and preparing desserts for party after party, that we forget to focus on the true meaning of Christmas.....the birth of God's Son....our Savior?

Do we need to be reminded by a spotlight?

As believers in Jesus Christ....we are on a stage everyday. Is His spotlight making you a worshipper to everyone that sees you?

Friday, December 4, 2009


The day after Thanksgiving is the day that has been set aside for decorating our house for Christmas; inside and out. I tend to view this as a project/job for the day. This process begins with the climb into the attic to gather the boxes and tubs of decorations. After everything is down and separated, then the decorating begins.

Once the tree is up and ready, I get to place the lights on the tree. After I get the lights working, and in the right place on the tree, then I will head outside with Joshua to begin decorating the front of the house. Karen will be busy inside placing everything in its place around the house, and then she begins to place the ornaments on the tree. Its a very tedious process, and she takes great care in how the tree looks from every angle. After all the lights and wreaths are situated on the front of the house, and most of the boxes are returned to the attic.....I get to listen to my favorite part of the decorating.

Karen will show me where she has placed the newest ornaments on the tree, and why she has placed them where she has. I know that she is wanting me to see where they are so that when I am ready to video our decorations, which we do each year on Christmas Eve, I will be sure to include them. What she may not realize is that when she shows me the ornaments, she is reminding me of special things that we have done during the year.

Our whole tree is made up of ornaments that are memories, and every memory is refreshed with every ornament. I enjoy looking at a decorated tree for Christmas, but what makes ours so special is that it reminds me of every blessing that God has given me and my family. I know that most people look forward to what Christmas may bring each year........but I like looking at our tree and remembering what Christ has brought.