This is the last day of September?!? Are you kidding me?!? I haven't blogged in 50 days?!?
That's right. I was sitting here at my desk reading, answering a few phone calls, and doodling on my desk calendar when I realized that September had just shot past me and now I am looking at October being here in less that 13 hours. What has happened?
It seems like the last thing I remember was being at the beach with my family, and now....leaves are beginning to turn and fall. The scriptures are so right. Our life is but a vapor. We really aren't here long at all. I guess when we think about our life as a brief moment in time, we start to understand the urgency in which we do things. Everything seems to revolve around a drive-thru mentality.....and we have become accustomed to it. The quicker...the better. Even if it isn't any quicker, we tend to think that it is. I mean, does the addition of a second window at any fast-food place get you your meal any quicker?
And now, we look at a desk calendar and think that September just shifted into a hyper-month, and we feel like we missed thirty days of our life. Thirty days.....that if we would stop for a minute....and write down everything that happened in those thirty days (in the blocks on the calendar), is it not possible that in these thirty days, we would be reminded of all that God has done in our lives. I don't mean the big, noticeable things that have made an impact on us. Those are amazing in their own right. But, I am talking about remembering those little things; those quiet times when God was close and you could sense it. Maybe it was in the rain; or a sunrise; a sunset; a full moon; a song; a passage of scripture that came to mind when you needed it most; a card in the mail; a phone call from a friend. It may not always be something good that we remember, but the reality is that we need to focus on each day that we have been given and not let it slip away without being a part of it.
So, if you'll excuse me......I need to fill in some blocks on my desk calendar.