Monday, November 24, 2008

on a Monday?

Today I decided to go in to the office and try and get a head start on this week. With Thanksgiving coming up, I need to get a lot ready in three days. It was a pretty quiet morning around here, but as I sat in the office, I could still sense the weekend services in the building. God had showed up and shook this place good this weekend. I can still hear the singing; I can still see the excitement in the faces of everyone at HRCC; I can still see Jon gaining strength with each service that he spoke at; I still hear the celebration with each baptism on Sunday night; I still feel the quiet reverence of the Lord's Supper; I still can listen to all the things that so many people are thankful for..........and then I realize........God's still here.
He didn't just happen to show up this weekend because we were finishing off a series, or because we were going to be bringing a special offering into His house. He didn't show up because we were having a Baptism service and observing His Supper, or to hear us say "Thank you". We were the ones that showed up to join Him here, and to enjoy His presence. Every time I walk into this building, I know that I am going to feel Him here. It really doesn't matter what day it is, I can even come in on a Monday (staff day-off) and feel like He is going to do something. And today, He did.
A lady called today and she had a need. Her home is heated by gas, but she didn't have enough for the deposit ($175) to get the gas switched on. She told me that she has three children. We talked a little longer and I told her that with the office closed on Mondays, I wasn't sure what I could do, but that I would try and find out something and call her back. I made one phone call to a member of HRCC to ask if she knew if anyone still had a "reverse offering" to use from last week. So happens....she did.........Now God takes over. This member calls me back in a little over an hour. Get this........the lady's deposit is taken care of, she will be getting clothes for her three children, along with some toys, and some groceries. God shook HRCC again today.

I guess "Whatever It Takes" didn't end this weekend. Thank you.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Whatever It Takes

This “Whatever It Takes” series has been amazing; to say the least. Most of the sermon series that we have done at HRCC usually have some memorable props, skits, or video inserts that stay with us long after the series ends. But this series has been very different. This series has had arms and legs attached to it as it has moved from the building to the community. What had started out on paper as a vision, has become a reality in the sense that people are making it real with their actions.

It has been amazing to hear people tell of how they are individually taking the idea of "doing" Whatever It Takes when they feel God leading them. Whether it is to help a neighbor in need, or volunteer for an event sponsored by the church, or just to help a total stranger that God has placed in their path. I hope each of you have taken the time to go to the website, and have read the stories that are posted there. (Click on Your Stories) These are stories from the church family that should encourage us all. When we listen to what God wants us to do; when we obey Him, and act as true believers in Jesus Christ….we are blessed. And right now, High Rock Community Church is tapping into those blessings. Just read the stories. People are starting to understand what it means to be a part of the body of Christ. Needs are being met, lives are being changed; and not just the lives of people who received a heating voucher, cheaper gas, clothing, or even the $50. I am seeing, and hearing in people’s voices, the change that is happening in their lives; the lives of the members of HRCC. This has been an amazing four weeks for this series, and as we come to the final week, we prepare ourselves for another chance to do Whatever It Takes. My prayer for this weekend, is that we will see God do such an amazing thing through the hearts of His people at HRCC, that we will know only He could have done this……..not us.

Are we ready? I pray that we are.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Don't you just love surprises? I am a big fan of surprises; and this past week was filled with surprises for me. On Wednesday, November 5th, I celebrated a birthday. I guess I could have stayed at home and taken the day off, but Karen was planning on helping at the church that day; and I would rather spend my birthday around her. Anyway, I am busy in my office, when Karen steps in and tells me that there is someone in the lobby to see me. This is not something unusual, since people do stop by from time to time. I walk to the lobby and there is my daughter, Kristen, from Asheville. SURPRISE!!! After a hug (yes, a hug), and a "What are you doing here?" from me, I find out that this had all been planned as part of a birthday surprise for me. Did I say that I love surprises? Kristen stayed at the church with her mom and me, then we were planning to go out and eat.........also part of the birthday plans. This happens at our birthdays all the time; the going out to eat part. Then, another surprise. We end up at my parent's house for hamburgers. There is just something about the way my mom makes hamburgers, and steams the rolls, and the mayonaise slaw.....SURPRISE!!!
Kristen's plan is to head back to Asheville, Thursday evening. She is going to a Bible Study, and Karen and I are getting ready for Small Group at home. I have had a great time with my daughter being home for my birthday, and as the day is coming to an end......the kitchen door opens, and Joshua, my son, comes in from Lynchburg. SURPRISE!!! Are you kidding me?!? All this is part of the plans that Karen has put together for my birthday. Amazing.
I am so blessed to have a wife that likes to surprise me; children that would drive 2-2 1/2 hours just to say "Happy Birthday"; parents who love me; brothers and sisters who send cards, and call on my birthday. And, one thing that I have learned over the years, is that surprises are what makes life so exciting. Without them.......we just live a day-to-day life. We were given life to enjoy it, and to enjoy it to the fullest.....fill it with surprises.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

songwriting 101

I have always had a desire to write some kind of song. I can remember growing up and pretending to be some famous songwriter, and I just knew that one day my songs would be on every radio station, or on an eight-track tape (classic). I would convince myself that writing a song couldn't be too hard. Well, I have learned that writing a song is not easy for me. There have been times that I could sit down and play the guitar, and it seemed as though all the words would just jump out of my mind and onto the paper. Then again, I can sit and strum for hours, and not have a thought. The next "great song" wasn't there.

When I attended the Seminars4Worship conference in October, I had the opportunity to take part in a songwriting class. We didn't compose any songs in this class, but I learned a lot about how hard songwriting really is; and steps that I can take to help some of these thoughts in my mind make it to paper, and eventually sound like a song. I listened intently as Paul Baloche, Joel Auge', and Mia Fields explained the processes that each of them go though to create a song. And not just any song.......but a song that would be good enough to replace a song that has become part of the church's "songs". Those songs that are loved by the church; those songs that have stood the test of time; songs that bring joy, smiles, tears, and a sense of community. (This songwriting idea is beginning to take on a responsibility I hadn't thought of.) I do remember one of the things that Paul Baloche said, "Always have pen and paper handy." He mentioned that there are times that he hears something in the message his pastor is sharing, and it catches his attention as something that he needs to write down; and he does. He also talked about other times when he writes things, ideas, as they come to him......(always have pen and paper handy). But, the reason I mention his illustration about listening to his pastor speak; is that I heard something in Jon's message this weekend, and I had to write it down.

I listened to Jon deliver the message, "Oil Sale", five times this weekend. Friday was critique day....when he have a practice run to help us prepare for the services on the weekend. Anyway, Jon spoke this message five times, and only once did he make a particular statement that caught my attention; and when I heard it, I turned the page in my notebook to a blank page, and immediately wrote it down. I don't know if it will ever become a song, but I do know that it spoke to me. It has been 12 hours since Jon made this statement, and it is still in my mind; and it is on paper; and it has grown from the three lines that he said, to ten lines to try and capture what the words sparked in my crazy, artsy mind. Jon simply said.....

There is hope in His cross...
There is peace at the cross...
There is joy in the cross...

Thanks Jon..........I needed this.