Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I am sure a lot of us who have attended church for a fairly significant amount of time, have at one time, or another, heard a teacher or Pastor speak about "running a race" in our Christian journey. There are several places in the Bible where a race is used as an example for the readers and listeners to better understand this journey that we are all on. I have heard comments about how "the race is not for the swift"(Ecc. 9:11), how "that in a race all the runners run"(I Cor. 9:24), how we should "persevere in this race"(Heb. 12:1), and how we should "finish the race"(II Tim. 4:7). Recently, I have lived these scriptures. I ran in a race. Not a marathon, but a 5K race. I'm from the old school, so let's say it was 3.1 miles.
I had started running when I left UPS, to stay in shape, and to make my doctor happy. My son, Joshua, is a "runner". He ran Cross Country in High School and College, and he still runs. He is the one that has convinced me that a 5K (3.1 miles) is not that hard of a run......and I believed him. Anyway, I had stopped running so much this year, till he said that I needed to run in this upcoming 5K race in China Grove. So.........I began to train. I ran for 6 days over 2 weeks, and he assures me that I am ready to run. "It is an easy course.....just straight down the street and back.....it's at night......no big turns, or hills." So I race. I don't remember a lot about the last half mile. It was so hot. Sweat was in my eyes, and my legs were killing me. After I had poured a bottle of water over me, and laid on the ground to try and recover from the intense leg cramps I was having.......here comes Joshua..............."See, that was easy." I am just trying to walk, and he is smiling. Joshua doesn't say a whole lot, but when he smiles......that means he is proud of Pops.
Like I said........I lived those passages of scripture. I'm not swift.......and everybody did run......oh, there was some perseverance......and I did finish the race......in 25:11, but I realized something very important that we sometimes overlook when we read these scriptures.....We are not running this race alone. I didn't run that race the other night alone; Joshua was right beside me cheering me on. He could have run that race in a time around 17 minutes, if not quicker when he is in shape; but he chose to run with me.......a beginner. He coached me through the mile markers; he encouraged me to run through the cramps; he told me when and where to pass people; how to make the turn-around and not lose time; he poured water on me at the 2 mile marker; he challenged me.........and he stood with me as I received my 3rd place medallion. I was never alone in this race.
We are never alone in this race that we call life, either. We may not be the swiftest of all the runners in the race; it may take us longer than some, but we will persevere, and we will finish this race that Christ has marked out for us. And the best part is........He is running with us. He knows our hurts and pains; He knows the adrenaline rush we feel when we move ahead; He celebrates with us. We are never alone. See you at the finish line.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Psalm 35

Wednesday morning I stopped by the hospital to check on John Miller. I had received an e-mail that he had been admitted there, and that things weren't looking too good. On the way, I began to think about "hospital visits", and how I am not quite sure how to do the "correct" visit. "What should I say?", "Will he be able to talk to me?", "Will he be up for company?", "How long a visit is too long?", "Will a short visit offend him?"
As I get off the elevator and head toward his room, all the questions race through my mind again and again; and then I am at John's room. He's not in his bed like I had expected. He's sitting in a chair having breakfast. So, I start to head for a chair to pull up beside of him, but he stops me and wants a hug;..........and he got one. Now I can pull up a chair to talk to him, and when I do he hands me a Bible and asks, "Could you read Psalm 35 to me?"........I didn't see that one coming, but I opened the Bible to Psalm 35; then I noticed how small the print was.......real small, and I didn't have my glasses. No problem, John offered me his. I began reading, and he began praising the Lord. I know the nurses at their station had to have heard him because he didn't whisper his praise; and he continued praising God as I read. And the more he praised......the louder I read; and I don't apologize for that. You see, John's praise was encouragement for me, because God's Word was encouragement for John. There was nothing special about the way that I read to him, or where I was reading. There was nothing special about which translation I read. What was special though, was that as God's Word was being read.......praise was happening; and I, like a lot of Christ followers, enjoy praise. John enjoys God's Word. He records each chapter that he reads in a little notepad, and this day.....he wrote "Psalm 35" in that notepad......and I enjoyed a morning of praise; not a hospital visit.

John, it was good to see you praising at church Sunday.