This morning I was on my way to the church and I was planning everything that I needed to try and get done today; line up the music; answer e-mails; write a letter of recommendation; visit a member in assisted living; call musicians; check my calendar; did I say answer e-mails. And with all this and more on my mind, I am met with the ever-popular "License Check". It was no big deal. I knew what to do, and what to have ready. So, as I waited my turn to pull forward to the officer, I got out my wallet and pulled out my driver's license. I had already rolled down my window and was preparing myself for a quick, short visit. I even rehearsed how polite I would be during the short verbal exchange. However, I was not asked the customary, "License please." The officer asked, "Are you going to get your truck inspected today?".......What?......Inspected?.... I just got it in September. When is it due?.......April? I couldn't believe it. But, there it was; on the windshield right in front of me.........April punched out.......08 punched
If you are like me; you start thinking about that "grace period" know the one. "There's a 30 day grace period if your inspection runs out.".......there's not one. I really don't care what so-and-so says.....there's not one. I know......But, this officer showed me grace. And, I immediately started thinking of all the places that I could get an inspection; here at the end of the month. They are all going to be crowded; I'll have to wait. I don't have time to wait. I have a lot to do. Think....think.....think. I can't.......drawing a blank........need a Mtn. Dew.
Laugh if you must, but when I stopped for a Dew, I found an inspection station just two miles away. And when I pulled up, I drove straight in and they inspected my truck....done. Now, I know you might think this is a good lead-in to an example of answered prayer, but it's not. What happened to me this morning is a reminder to us all to not take for granted our responsibilities. There are things that we need to do; things that require our attention; personal things. Just because, at a church service, or concert we chose to believe in Jesus Christ' life, death, and Resurrection as our means for salvation, doesn't mean that we should forget about it; and then have to be reminded about it through a stranger (tragic event, sickness, struggles). When we accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior, we were given a new life. And just like the inspection sticker reminds you to keep your vehicle meeting the state's guidelines for safe operation each year, we need to see that we are staying on course in our quest to be more like Christ in our lives. Is anything in our life "past due"?.........Bible reading/study; prayer; visits; phone calls; acts of service; forgiveness.......You're fine.......there IS a "grace period".